review: On having no plans

honeysuckle / photo by annie spratt

As of today, my planner for the month of June has three appointments. They are, in order: (1) take gracie to the groomer, (2) go to the dentist, and (3) a bridal shower. (gracie is my dog). I don’t think it’s an understatement to say, despite these three can’t-miss events, that I really do have no summer plans. Something tells me I could even survive without using my planner for the rest of this month. 

There’s lots of ways someone like me, a person with almost no real adult responsibilities and almost all my time to myself, might try to justify not being even a little bit busy. But these justifications are usually as opaque as a window. Mine are, (1) I just finished the second semester of my sophomore year which (2) included a 16 hour/week internship that combined with school, revealed to me my bad time management skills leading to self-diagnosed burnout and so (3) I need to recover. 

By “just” finishing the semester I mean a month and three days ago. And considering that I woke up at noon yesterday, I think I’ve slept enough to recover from burnout, if I ever had it. The summer boredom is starting to set in, and I give it 0 stars: no fun. So, I think it’s time to start being a little bit busy. 

It’s hard to answer to yourself, to be your own boss, and rely on only you to stay accountable. I don’t trust myself, and I’m not very good at doing something I tell myself to do, or doing something that someone else tells me to do unless I’m scared of them. I’m not very responsible, but I think the responsible thing to do is create something I’m responsible for, aka this, and attempt self-discipline by having a self-imposed responsibility.

I’m practicing the art of answering to myself—because I suspect me the comments section of this post will reveal I'm doing just that—and being my own bossbecause, seeing as I’ll graduate in two years into this economy with a liberal arts degree, I probably need to get used to being my only boss. And, in declaring that I’ll post here every Wednesday, I hope to stay accountable. I guess that's something I can put in my planner. 

currently reading: Sense & Sensibility (friend me on Goodreads!)
currently eating: banana


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